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Coming soon: your own guardian angel
Remember the childhood: the evening comes, you go to bed, parents turn off the light and close the door. And it begins the scariest part....

Meet the updated Aurora App
Finally cruiser Aurora returned to its rightful place! For this long-awated event Piligrim XXI prepared a wonderful surprise - radically...

Petersburg startup July 22, 2016 at 17:00 FROM VIRTUAL REALITY TO REAL BUSINESS Ilya Korguzalov and Diane Sorin we will talk about...

Update the Old Bessebar App
We received more than 40 thousand users have previewed in the application pages and increase downloads. So we update for give a more...

"Exchange of startups" №19
PiligrimXXI won the race of startups: we got the highest score in the vote of investors. read more:

We have launched 7-th time portal.
We have launched a new time portal. This is already the 7th. Are welcome overyone who are interested in the trip through time! We leave...
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