Take part in the battle of the Great Northern War. Join the army of Charles XII of Sweden and defend Narva Castle, or capture the fortress in the name of Peter the Great. How the battle ends is up to you!
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Russia declared war on the Swedish Empire. Peter’s massive army gathered under the walls of Narva Castle. It seemed like the city was done for, but fate decided otherwise
Charles XII’s elite regiments came to rescue the city’s garrison. They dealt a devastating blow, leaving no hope for the invaders. On November 19 1700 Charles XII saw his first triumphant victory over the Russians.
Download the «Narva Battle» VR game
append to fought in the Great Northern War
But the Tsar learned a bitter lesson. He gathered his army again and sent it into Baltic lands. By 1704, Russia had taken over almost all of Ingria. It was time to take revenge in Narva. At midday on August 9, five cannon shots were fired to signal the attack. The battle lasted just 45 minutes. The castle fell and was surrendered unconditionally to the Russians.
Download the «Narva Battle» VR game
append to fought in the Great Northern War
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Run the app and push the “scan” button in the main menu screen
Point your smartphone camera at “Calibration” image
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Enter the ID code (found inside the box).