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Piligrim XXI in the review of ruine tourism
Manу Russian regions want to solve the proble of increasing the attractiveness of their areas, and besides this task includes the need to...

Пилигрим XXI в обзоре руино-туризма.
Решения Пилигрима как то очень гармонично попали в обзор руино-туризма. Оказывается есть такое самостоятельное направление на рынке....

Update the Old Bessebar App
We received more than 40 thousand users have previewed in the application pages and increase downloads. So we update for give a more...

Opened new augmented reality park at Pompeii developed by Piligrim XXI
#PiligrimXXI #DevelopedbyPiligrimXXI #Pompeyscope #PompeiiScope #Augmentedreality #Timemachine #Ingria #Virtualreconstruction...
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