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Foundation of Piligrim XXI

Investments from the St. Petersburg Presowing Investment Fund: 170,000 US dollars.


TOP 50 in the Russian startup rating - the highest rating (AAA).

Grant from Microsoft Seed Fund.

Accelerations: Intel, Google, Faber Novel.

Launch of the world's first AR park - Ludza Castle. An increase of 30% in the tourist flow to the region,> 60,000 tourists / year.

Launch of the AR park "Cruiser Aurora" - St. Petersburg


TOP-10 world startups on the site "Future en Seine" France.

The development of our own computer vision technology has begun.

AR parks created: Altun Estate (Pushgory), Bastille Fortress - Paris


Exit of the "St. Petersburg Preseeding Investment Fund" through the sale of a stake in the Spanish company The Next Big Wow.

The development of algorithms for remote positioning of georeferenced multimedia content for mobile devices has begun.

AR parks created: Pompeii (Italy), Road of Life - Leningrad Region, Old Nessebar (Bulgaria)


AR park Tarva battle (Narva - Ivangorod) was created

New round of investments with a business angel (Spain)


Active development of the World Wide AR Grid - ecosystems for producers and consumers of AR content

Registration of Arcona and Digital Land trademarks in Russia, EU countries, China and Japan.


Arcona CV Core SDK Released - Unique Toolkit for AR Developers

Algorithms for the creation of Digital Lands launched

The Arcona Marketplace was launched, where a series of Digital Land auctions among users was successfully completed.


Launch of the global AR metaverse Arcona for users

In the world of Arcona, the first global action took place - the Digital Victory Parade, which covered over a thousand cities.

Winning the Unicorn Battle worldwide series of startup contests from Russia and the Russian-Chinese entrepreneurship competition in Nanjing


© 2015 Piligrim XXI.

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