Известный голливудский стартап Magic Leap заявил о 50% сокращении штатаСамый известный и многообещающих стартапов в индустрии дополненной реальности Magic Leap заявил о сокращении штата, половина...
THE MAGIC LEAP ALSO KNOWN AS HOLYWOOD STARTUP FIRED HALF OF ITS EMPLOYEESThe famous Hollywood startup Magic Leap announced a reduction in staff and half of the employees today were fired from the company....
The Victory Parad in Augmented RealityThe Victory Parade in digital version will take place on May 9 in each of 1100 cities of Russia. Tanks with red stars will also stay in...
Arcona AR Metaverse вошла в обзор Forbes - This week in XR . Приятные новости к финалу недели. Arcona AR Metaverse вошла в обзор Forbes - This week in XR . Спасибо Daniil Girdea за блистательное...
Arcona AR Metaverse entered the Forbes review - This week in XRGood news for the final week. Arcona AR Metaverse entered the Forbes review - This week in XR. Thanks to Daniil Girdea for his brilliant...
The great list of cities of Arcona AR Worldhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GGO5Fb-CCrTS5bBGuCmWLuG2DP9fpp5rNmmm_gcrZ2w/edit?usp=sharing We are pleased to publish a list of...